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    Hi! You're here because you noticed the price of our Lasagna went up 50¢. I want to apologize for the increase, and offer an explanation. 

    Each pan of lasagna costs just under $3 more per pan to create than it did 2 years ago. During that 2 years, we have raised the total price $1. I know the math isn't really mathing here, but this is the sort of math a lot of smaller food businesses have been doing since 2021. Using home grown and local ingredients has insulated Poco from a lot of the drastic price swings we've all noticed at the grocery stores. But some items, like cheese and packaging materials, are out of my control. 

    Even though I'm well aware that you couldn't make this lasagna cheaper at home, raising prices is still quite hard for me. Many of our big time Lasagna fans live on fixed incomes, and I know how much 50¢ matters. I'm doing my best to absorb as many increases as I can so we can keep items like these on our menu for years to come.

    Thank you, always, for your support. And thanks for caring enough about some little farm store's lasagna to read a few paragraphs about costs. I think you're the bee's knees.

    - Shawn