I'm German on both sides of the family, so a tube/chunk/chub of Braunschweiger is literally always in the fridge. I love a braunschweiger sandwich with cheap white bread, mustard and onion. The thing is, though, Braunschweiger in WI is very different from the actual German variety named after the people of Brunswick (Braunschweig). The real deal in Germany is a meaty variety of mettwurst, whereas our immigrant derived version is a pork liver sausage that's blended with bacon and smoked. Ours has a soft almost spreadable texture.
I want to acknowledge that a lot of people hate braunschweiger. But the rest of us love it (or at least tolerate it). I've never had it cooked. Or on a pizza. So I wanted to try it, and I told myself if I didn't love it I wouldn't put it on the menu this week. I love this pizza so much. If you don't like Braunschweiger in real life, you're not magically going to like it on a pizza. But if you do like it, you're gonna love this.
Note: I used Usinger's Braunschweiger for the photo here, but yours will be made with Nueske’s, which is more girthy. I don't want you to be surprised by the circumference.